Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"Tailor Made"

This is my 7yr old son Tahir. For awhile he didn't like that he was tall and thin. hey dad and uncles are 6'6" 6'5" and 6'7" and I am very small framed genetics plays a major role in his build. sorry son. He often get call names for it. Sadly it wasn't always the peers in school. I begun to notice he didn't like to wear shorts because he was told his legs were to skinny. So it took us letting him know you are just the way God made you. now he embraces every part of who he is. Though from time to time he may have to hear it. He is 7. But to him he sees himself with big muscles and abs. Hey you are what you think and the best way to embrace your greatness is to think of yourself in a positive light.

Teach your children that they are tailor made, and when they were created God only had them in mind. There is only one like them and that makes them a big deal. They will come across so many people that will try to influence changes in their appearance to make them what they feel they should be, by forgetting who they really are. It's our job to teach them just how wonderful they are.


  1. Tailor made-- I like that description! Our children range from small framed to tall--we use the term "petite" for the shorter ones! :-) All in God's plan!

  2. I agree and we have to remind them of this often, because the world will tell them otherwise

  3. Love the phrase Tailor Made! Great thing to teach kids.

    1. Yes we have to teach them to embrace their uniqueness

  4. Beautiful advice! We are all made differently.

    1. thank you. our differences I think are an accent in the world

  5. I love this phrase. Very good advice! :)

    1. thank you. when I think of a tailor I think of being custom fit which is how all our kids should feel.

  6. He's got a beautiful name! Such great advice.

    1. thank you so much he makes sure you pronounce it correctly too, guess its safe to say he like it. lol

  7. Great article! Its very important to remind children of their worth and value.

  8. Amen to that! Children are God's beautiful creation and we should indeed make sure they know it. Good job, Mom! :)

    1. thank you I feel that I have to begin empowerment at home before I can do it any where else
