Friday, January 16, 2015

Tell Me, Do I Really Need Friends?

You never really know how important having friends are. Until you are one and sadly until you have been hurt by one. Growing up all the kids shows was centered around making friends and knowing how to be a great friend. When you are young you never really know how much friendships play on your adult life. Now as parents we have to expose our children to the same relationships. We have to begin to teach them the importance of being a friend. Though friends for children will change often, it is still good for them to be exposed to these types of relationships as a learning process.

So what is the big deal with Friendships in children. Friendships will help children build on emotional and social skills. Learning how to interact with others is a very important part of development. When you learn how to treat people at a young age, it will make it easier in your adult life.Though friendships are hard on our kids. They may have to deal with many types of emotions. Hurt, anger, pain, then there is joy, happiness, love. No matter the emotion it is needed to mold them into adults and it teaches them how to use and cope with their feelings toward others.

Encourage friendships, and use them as moments to teach your kids the right way to be a friend. Show them the characteristics of  not so good friends. Teach them that just their friendship alone could possible change the life of someone else.


  1. Yes! Friendships are so important! I really hope I can teach my son that developing and maintaining good friendships throughout his life, and high school will really help him! I wish I knew that I really only have a handful of close friends and I find it really hard to make new ones!

    1. I know how this is, I don't have many friends either. I found that as I grew and changed so did my friendships

  2. Friends are really important! HOWEVER, I think it is important to teach our children that staying home with the family is okay too. I am an introvert, and it always stressed me out when I was a child thinking I HAD to go play with my friends.

    1. I think with us we teach them to be balanced. Family will always come first and that you don't have to lose who you are to make and have friends. this is what we are teaching our oldest two for sure with them being in high school

  3. Very good points! Friendships can teach children a lot of social skills.

    1. this is so true, never really paid close attention until I had kids

  4. Building friendships are very important for children. Thanks for this reminder.

    1. I agree and it will be something that will teach them how to interact with others as they grow

  5. Friendship is important and teaching kids to be the right kind of friend is definitely lacking today.

    1. I agree with you on this, I have seen that my oldest kids have to be reminded from time to time of some of the have

  6. I have a 4 1/2 year old and it's amazing that I'm really having to teach this as early as now. It starts early! Thank you!

    1. I have noticed this too. I have a 2yr old and her cousin is 3 and they are already saying my best friend. we are looking at each other like where did they get this from

  7. My son has needed a lot of work with his social skills. He has ADHD, so it's hard for him. But now he has a best friend and is making more friends at school also. And it's huge for him.
