Monday, December 22, 2014

No Matter What You Say, They Will Copy Anyway!!!

As parents the first thing you will notice is that no matter what you say, your children will copy you. My first two kids were boys so I never really had to worry about them doing or wanting to do what I do. It wasn't until I had my daughter that I realized that she looks up to mommy in all she does. My daughter is 2yrs old and she walks around in my heels, which mind you are 6 inches, she grabs her computer and pretend to do work. This game of monkey see and monkey do, made me think no matter what we say to our children they will do exactly what we do.  Think about it your little one will do something that you have done, that you didn't realize that they even seen, and at a time that is the most embarrassing. one things for sure kids do darnest things. So the question is, are we doing things that are worth copying. Are you setting the example that you yourself will be proud of? With so many bad examples and the need for fame on social media, we have to really teach our children how to be ladies and gentlemen at all times. One thing that you should always remember is that each day your children are a reflection of you. So what is your reflection saying today?


  1. You're right, kids do copy everything you do. Every moment is a "teaching" moment whether we want it to be or not.

    1. I agree and this is what I tell my older kids about their younger siblings. They are like sponges absorb everything

  2. What's interesting is that I noticed my momma's habits and words and even facial expressions come out the most the minute I turned 25. And every year I've gotten older ,the more she's there....The good and bad. :)

    1. I understand what you mean I have noticed the same thing with me and my mom. and even when you want to separate yourself someone else will point it out.

  3. So true, kids definitely do everything we do :)

    1. yes they will and we never know when they will choose to do it

  4. I was at my friends house making cookies earlier today and her 2.5 year old kept copying what I was saying! Lol, I definitely had to be careful....

    1. yes ma'am I totally understand my 7yr old son still repeats

  5. This is why communication is so key with out kids. Because they really are paying attention and listening, even if we don't think they are.

    1. yes that is so true to explain to them what ever things means good or bad

  6. I try my best to set a good example, hope it's enough!

    1. I tell myself the same thing, I also hope that they will remember it all when they are grown with families

  7. kids totally copy everything you do! I'm just finding this out with my 1 year old son. It's made me try to be better about how i act!

    1. I have three kids but I never really watched my actions as close as I do now with my two year old she is a true copycat, and she copy everyone

  8. A very good reminder!! I know that sometimes I catch myself doing or saying things that I wouldn't want my kids to copy... then I always regret it. It's always an ongoing effort to be that good example for our kids!

    1. I agree I go through the same thing I have to constantly have to think before I do anything when my kids around

  9. Kids are like sponges and pay attention to even the small details and our responses in our daily routine. Thanks for these introspective questions!
